February 9, 2016

Day 8 of the February Art Challenge

It's day 8 of our challenge. I (Ria) decided to focus on shapes today. Pamela's painting will be up soon!

"Garlic Head"
Ria Hills

Day 7 of the February Art Challenge

A week of completing a painting each day feels pretty good. Finding a new subject to paint daily is easy as long as I don't care what it is. It's the process of painting that's magical.

Ria Hills

"Fashion Statement"
Pamela White Murphy

February 7, 2016

Day 6 of the February Art Challenge

We're moving right along with our challenge!
Please check out Pamela's website, especially if you are local to our area. She's been teaching art to adults and children for many years. Her classes are filled with inspiration and budding talent.


"Simple Pear"
Ria Hills

February 6, 2016

Day 5 of the February Art Challenge

We both didn't have much time for painting today. I decided on something small. There's always an hour or less in a day to do what you love to do.
Pamela choose water soluble pastels to paint the apple sketch.

Artists! It's never too late to join in the challenge.

Ria Hills

February 5, 2016

Day 4 of the February art challenge

It's day 4 and we're still moving along. Completing a painting a day sometimes takes rescheduling and tightening up the plans for the day. It's all worth it!

"Tangled Mess"

Ria Hills

February 4, 2016

Day 3 of the February art challenge

It's day 3 and we're still going strong although I had my doubts. We all have so much to juggle in our daily lives. As working artists painting every day isn't an option but completing a painting a day can be a challenge.

Artists! Please join us.

"Angel Statue"

Ria Hills

February 3, 2016

Day 2 of the February art challenge

It's day 2 of our art challenge! I set my alarm earlier than usual to get to work. 
We hope you'll join us! To learn more click on the text above the 3 peppers image in the top right menu.

"Roaring Waters"
Pamela White Murphy

Ria Hills

February 2, 2016

Day 1 of the February art challenge

Hey everyone!
Pamela and I decided that we want to challenge ourselves to complete a painting everyday for the month.
We're a day late but better late than never ;-)
Please join our challenge! You don't need to finish a painting everyday. There are no rules but to challenge yourself to paint more.
When you finish a painting send me the image, the title and the page you want it linked to. I'll post it here the same day. I'll create a new page for each day of the month.
We're looking forward to seeing what you've been inspired to paint! The trick to completing a painting a day is to keep it small.
Starting late? No worries . .so did we.

NOTE: Only hand painted or drawn works in any traditional medium will be accepted. Please keep the size of the file you send below 700 pixels wide or tall.

Ria Hills