November 1, 2011

November Seagull challenge

Pamela took this photo in Wickford, RI a couple of months ago. It's a quaint New England waterfront town. We both remembered to bring along our cameras on that day. This was around the same time that we planned on this challenge so we were keeping it in mind when we were shooting.

Obviously the seagull is the challenge yet the greater challenge is to be aware of the values when you work on the painting. Value (how light or dark a color is) is more important than the colors you choose and will determine the success of a painting. Now go have fun!

Kristin Polston (age17)

Jackie Shenian (age15)

Bethany Basal (age16)

Tyler Moorey (age14)

Cynthia E. Blain

Judi D'Allessandro